
Our History and how it all started
Bianca Chapa is the organizer of Bianca’s Buddies. Bianca started this group in 2019 in lieu of a 13th birthday party. Bianca and her mom were driving home from dinner and as they were driving on the freeway, she saw the beautiful lights of Texas Childrens Hospital in the woodlands and she knew immediately what she wanted to do - a toy drive! Bianca reached out to her dance studio, friends, family, and a few businesses to help and it was a great success. Bianca gathered 20 of her closest dance friends and they delivered the toys to Texas Childrens and it was a great feeling knowing that children were going to have a Christmas. 2020 proved to be a trying time due to the COVID pandemic but we were able to have our 2nd annual toy drive and partnered with Lily’s Toy Box and donated toys to help children affected by natural disasters in Louisiana and Houston. In 2021 Bianca raised over 175 toys and partnered with Kailee Mills Foundation, Pink Bows for Maddison, Los Camaradas, C me photos, 3 Bombshells locations, Power Intensives, Rayne Rentals, Carreon Interest, Kaotikdjs, Bella Decor, and Lily’s Toy box.